Sunday, September 18

"Iron Sharpens Iron"

I recently read a thought-provoking anecdote about how we should use this certain truth to find friends. In the experience of choosing friends one should try and find friends who inspire you to be better than you currently are.  You could be that person who is sharp and yet never really utilizes your skill. As time goes by you risk becoming dull and rusty. Who wants to be around something of no use? We as humans rid ourselves of things that are of no "use" to us. Everyone needs someone in their life who is stronger than you--or as strong as you that will continually help sharpen you into something greater. 

It may seem idealistic to some, but that's at least the idea I received when b.honey asked me to start a blog. She's that friend who makes you want to be the best professional colleague in your field. So here I am off to start writing about adventures concerning library school and graduate life~


  1. Awww, you're the sweetest! You inspire me too my dear, and I can't wait to see what this blog becomes!

  2. Heh we used to have that idiom as our catch phrase in my old wrestling team. Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. I thought it was pretty corny but it definitely has a point here, being around those people who inspire you to improve yourself are those you should keep around you.

    I think I'm going to enjoy following this, because I know you Vi, you never seem to run out of adventures.
